What Do You Think?

Gainesville - Hall County, Georgia, United States
This project was funded by After School Rigor Grant, Hall County School Board, GA. Lyman Hall is located at 2150 Memorial Park Drive, Gainesville, GA 30504. Phone #: 770-534-7044. Email: neusa.wendt@hallco.org. Please, also visit Lyman Hall's Website http://www.hallco.org/lhes/

Great Celebrations 2010

By Alberto R.

   Did you know that Chestatee Middle School (CMS) won Spelling Bee in 2008? The school colors are maroon and silver. You can sign for: basketball, cheerleading, cross country, soccer, football, wrestling, and track. They made an acronyms for EAGLES:
And every student is
Given the chance to
Excel and
Soar to excellence.
   You can get extra curriculum for high school in 8th grade if you take advanced classes. The academic classes include: art, band, business education, chorus, gifted, family and consumer science, foreign language, math, language arts, PE/health, power, science technology.  Niyélo is a Native American term which means, "It’s up to you."
   On May 5th 2010, I visited CMS.  I learned that Mr.Shirley (Assistant Principal) has been working there for 11 years. They also explained that you don't want to get sent to Saturday School.  In Saturday School you have to finish your work and then do nothing. I learned that if you don't do your work than you get to go to the Replay Cafe during lunchtime.
   Here are the pictures I took during the visit:


By Cesar Adrian G-A. and Daniel Ca.

   South Hall Middle School is one of the best schools ever, or at least most people state that opinion. South Hall is so lucky that they get Principal Paula Stubbs, or Principal Stubbs. She will put you in a class you need help on, and will also take you home in her car if you miss the bus home.  Principal Stubbs has two assistant principals: Kent Towely & Joey Millwood.
   Anyways South Hall holds a fundraiser which lets you bring I Pods, MP3 players and more, but for the principal to allow it, students should bring in one dollar to school. Talking about dollars, if you bring shorts you need to take the dollar test. The dollar test allows the principal, or teachers to know if the shorts are to high. If so, the principal will call your parents to bring in new clothes for you. Remember Principal Stubbs takes responsibility for you and is very serious, but lots of fun.
   South Hall middle school is also very awesome were they train the FALCONS. South Hall has also changed over the years. Did you know that South Hall's mascote used to be the Horses?   But, now, in the gym there is an acronym that the letter beginning of each saying is K-N-I-G-H-T-S:
 Keepers of Wisdom
Noble in Character
Inquisitive Learners
Generous in Spirit
Honorable with Friends
Thoughtful Speakers
Seeking to Improve the World.

   South Hall also at that time used to be in Gainsville, but now South Hall can be located in Flowery Branch where Davis Middle School used to be. Now Davis School is located where Flowery Branch High, or Middle school was. Also, remember South Hall's Mission: to offer all students the opportunity to learn; to grow intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically in a caring, safe, and challenging environment.
   Our trip to South Hall Middle School ( SHMS) was very exciting! When we got there, on 5/5/2010, we entered through the cafeteria door, it took our breath when we saw it.   It had big windows that let sunshine in, making it brighter.  The main hallway was huge, and had skylight windows.  When we got to the library, we were amazed at how many books it had.  We arrived at the time of a bookfair. It has approximately 1,000 books. In one computer lab, they put a box over your hands to improve your typing skills.  Near the front office there is a knight that holds a sword. When you exit the front office , you can see all the trophies that we've won. At the end of the trip we went back to the cafeteria and talked a little more.
   Check our pictures:


By Annette A. and Rebecca F.

   West Hall Middle School is a great school! The students have dress code which means they have to wear uniforms. They have to wear a kaki or navy blue pants or caprice shorts. Their shirts can be a collar or t-shirt that is like a U. The shirt has to be a solid color and the students can not have colored hair.
   The 6th graders, 7th, and 8th graders have separate halls for their lockers and classes. The school mascot is a Patriots who fought for the war or are good citizens. The 5th graders got to choose their own classes for power time. Which means a classes for fun before the periods of classes begin. This is something new for the future 6th graders.
   There is also a group of cheerleaders who greeted the 5th graders to West Hall in the entrance of the school, on 5/5/2010. The cheerleaders are people who give the school the wonderful school spirit they have. The cheerleaders were also there in the West Hall gym for a spirit contest. There is also a lot of sports to join.  But to be in a sport or be a cheerleader you have to be passing all your classes.
   So, now that I have told you a little information about West Hall Middle School I hope you get to think this is a wonderful school to send your child to. This school has been named the best middle school for five years in Hall County..

   Enjoy our pictures!


5th Grade Stuff

A.D.V.A.N.C.E. Program
By Annette A.
   Great! This was so fun meeting all the policemen from the ADVANCE. The ADVANCE Program came to meet with the fifth graders from Lyman Hall Elementary School, on April 27, 2010. They are talking about gangs, drugs, water safety, and cybespace rules. But most of all they are determined to teach the kids about the bad things gangs and drugs can do to you and your body.

ADVANCE means:
A voiding
D rugs
V iolence
A nd
N egative
C hoices
E arly

   The ADVANCE Progream has different staff and sheriff members. There is the director who is Lieutenant Gene Joy M.A. The supervisor is Senior Sergeant Kenny Lane. The other sergeants are Sergeant Don Parish, Sergeant Cliff Cugle, Sergeant Ron Dobbins. Their pastor is Jason Kirkland.
Senior Sergeant Kenny Lane
Supervisor, School Training Staff
ADVANCE, Community Outreach, Fatal Vision Program Assistant Coordinator

Sergeant Don Parrish
School Training Staff, Narrator, Fatal Vision Program

   Different policemen are coming to teach us. They are doing this for every fifth grade classes in Hall County. The students will also have a poster contest. There will be two winners from every fifth grade class. There will also be an astounding student from every class. There used to be also a survey and one contest winner, but now there is two class winners and no survey.
   Most of all, this program is important for fifth grades because off all the bad things in their future middle schools. This program will help me in make good choices to make my future perfect, because I don't want to end up in jail or in my grave.
   If you want to learn more, go to their website

CRCT Testing
by Karen Nancy G.

   There is a day when you have to be the smartest that you can be! That is the scariest and most nervous day, ever! That day is the CRCT day. This year it was on April 20 through April 26. It's the week of a test that covers everything you learned and if you fail you have to start all over the same grade. CRCT stands for Criterion Referenced Competency Test.
   The days before the CRCT begins the teachers want you to pass and almost every question on the test right. The teachers really freak out about the CRCT!! Your teachers aren't the only ones who want you to pass; your parents too!!! So  teachers support us by putting up BIG posters on the walls to show that they believe in us and also the students got a letter from a teacher that had notes that we should do are best!


   Your parents and teachers want you to sleep well and have energy for the BIG test. Also when the CRCT is over some teachers have parties to celebrate!! Many students want to PASS the CRCT!! Everyone in GA takes the CRCT. The CRCT shows how students are learning and performing in the GA school environment.
   The law requires all the first through eight graders to take it. The CRCT also states how well the student use his or her skills. It also lets parents and teachers compare students from your class to students in another class from a different school. These test helps educators and administrators determine their next move in school education. So as you can see the CRCT is very important to us and means a lot!!!  We are all relieved that it is over!

By Daniel Ca.

   In Mrs. Wendt's 4th and 5th B.R.I.D.G.E.S. class we completed a project on the California Missions. Each 5th grade student randomly chose a mission while the 4th graders were assigned their mission. Then they had to create either a model or a game board.  After that, they started a PowerPoint presentation about the mission's history, architecture, and some other interesting facts.
   All B.R.I.D.G.E.S. students finished their models. When Mrs. Wendt got the models and the game boards, she put them in the library. Once the projects were in the library other students could see them and vote for the one they liked the most. Each mission model/game board has a number that the student needs to put on the ballot. Each student can only vote once. To some kids, working on the model/game board was fun, but a few thought it was too much work.

   The ballots have been tallied!  Ta-ta-ta!!!!  Voters have spoken! 
   Here are the winners:

First Place - Maritza Ramos - 4th Grade

Second Place - Annette Aguilar - 5th Grade

 Third Place - Vivian Segovia - 5th Grade


By Lizeth G., Rebecca F. and Annette A.
   On 5/12/2010, we had our last School Newspaper class and the final presentation to teachers and parents.  At 2:45, we were anxious because we had to present our Blog to the whole staff.  At the end, the teachers were very proud and Ms. Shaw said that they learned a lot from us.   We had a great time trying to guess the teacher's pictures when they were in Elementary School.

   After that, we went back to the class to practice our next presentation to the parents in Spanish.  We were kind of nervous but it was not so hard.  Everything was very nice and our parents LOVED it!  We learned a lot about different topics and how to create a Blog.  We were very pleased with our achievement!!!!!!!!!!!  The cake and juice were a special treat for our hard work and for our guests to show up.  Enjoy the pictures!


Blue Dolphin - April 2010
By Emely Z.

   Stampede at Lyman Hall Elementary!  On Tuesday April 13, 2010 Lyman Hall experienced a different kind of STAMPEDE; not of bulls, but of fourth grade STUDENTS, during Blue Dolphin Awards!!! This is the day that students are recognized by their academics, attendance and improvement.
   The Award Ceremony was on the way! When all A's and B's were given away, that's when it all happened..... CLICK! CLICK! Several cameras were documenting the event with lots of pictures. Then, all of a sudden, everything changed… BAM! All those shoes hit the floor… hard! Probably everyone was expecting the kids to walk. But, no… Instead, they ran, ran, ran back to the stands. Meanwhile, all A's awards were given out!..
   On the photos, everyone looks well behaved!


 Well Deserved Retirement

   "Hello," I said as I was about to interview Mrs. Alina Carpenter, a 2010 retiree. She stated that she has been teaching for thirty years, seventeen of which at Lyman Hall Elementary. Mrs. Carpenter has taught ESOL for Kindergarten and First grade. She has also done Newcomers for all grades, and she declared that her favorite grades were ESOL Kindergarten and First.
  She announced that the satisfaction of change was the highlight of her career, because it inspired kids to continue school and also to become a member of the society. Her favorite memory was all the field trips she took and when she taught parents how to speak English in evening class. She also admitted that she doesn't have any bad memories.

   Her advice for new teachers is to hang in there, bring inspiration to the children and to mold them into the future. She said that her only regret was that she didn't start teaching at an early age. For her retirement, she plans to rest, exercise, eat, travel, camp, go to the beach, and enjoy life. This was a great interview! I hope that Mrs. Carpenter has a wonderful life after her retirement and comes to visit us.
                                                                                   By Annette A.


   My name is Rebecca and today I interviewed Mrs. Fifi Chapman in her class, another 2010 retiree. She has been working at Lyman Hall for 38 years and maybe the teacher who has worked the longest here.
   She is a very funny teacher and she has taught four grades: Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade. Mrs. Chapman has also taught ESOL before. She told me that the grade she likes teaching best is 3rd grade. The highlight of her career was that she liked the kids at the end of the year when they all have learned so much. Mrs. Chapman also loves her kids when they turned on their light bulbs and are ready to start learning.
   Mrs. Chapman's favorite memory was when she had a nightmare with magic sunglasses, all her students got along well, not like a big fighting family, and when the trailers used to be there. Mrs. Chapman's worst memory was when the tornado hit our School Lyman Hall.
   Mrs. Chapman's advice to new teachers was to take each day as it comes and do the best you can. My last question to Mrs. Chapman was what were her plans for retirement and she said ,"My plans are to sleep, travel, work in my garden, clean my house, and go to sleep again." I enjoyed having a interview with Mrs. Chapman.


  I am Karen G. and I attend Mrs. Mary Kiser's class. Mrs.kiser said that she spent 35 years teaching at Lyman Hall. She taught 4th and 5th grade and her favorite was 4th.  I asked what was the highlight of her career and she admitted that she loved so many things. 
   Her favorite memory was last year's end of school. Ms. Frye, her and the whole class shared what they thought of each other.  Her WORST memory was a few years ago when she had a class full of boys who acted like DEVILS.
  She also said that her advice to a new teacher was to love the kids.  Mrs.Kiser had no regrets.  Her plans for retirement are to get her house in order.  Rick, her husband, will retire in one year. Then, they plan to travel.